1. Multitasking is considered a myth because of the fact that it is only a trick that makes us believe that we are doing many things at once when really we are switching them. This switch leads us to be less productive that what we would be if only did one task at a time.
2. The term "response selection bottleneck" refers to the condition in which the brain, in an attempt to respond to many things at the same time, losses time because of the delayed decision of which task it should accomplish primarily.
3. David Meyers’s discovery is important because he discovered that the “art” of “multi-tasking” releases stress hormones and adrenaline. These releases are of high risk to the human body because of the effects they have like, short-term memory loss and long-term heath problems.
4. Russell Podrack found that this so called “multi-tasking” affects your learning skills. Although this action appears more efficient, it is actually less effective because this makes it harder for you to remember or retain information as well as if you did everything at its own time. He also mentioned how humans are not cutoff to live such a hectic and busy life.
5. The author concludes that we will probably adapt to this environment affecting our future societies who will suffer the consequences including: less productivity because of the difficulty of retaining the information that leads to a weak society, long-term health problems, and short-term memory loss.